Prologue I was never a writer and was never even aspiring to become either.I don't know if I become one.But everyone has their story,sometimes its inscribed in words and sometimes it's just in your heart. We all wake up finding new reasons to LIVE and sleep with the thoughts of fulfilling our DREAMS.But in the middle of this chaos I found YOU.Never knew you could become such an important part of my life. But our fate decides our destiny. Although Time can change anything and everything.Literally Everything. Sometimes these changes are for the Worse;sometimes for Better and sometimes even for the Best.But all we can do is,just accept it and move forward with a positive attitude.But I never believed this until I met YOU. It's not just a story,but a deeper connection of two beautiful souls.And I'm so grateful and fortunate that you were a part of my life who helped me explore the beautiful universe in me which I was longing to seek