"It all started with a Rolex, a backpack, irritable weather, and two chamomile chai teas..."
PROMPT BACKGROUND: AU where everyone in the world is born with a very unique tattoo on their ankle, nobody else in the world has that tattoo ... Every time you fall in love with someone, their tattoo appears somewhere else on your body.
PROMPT: A new tattoo appears on a celebrity's body in new photos and a very lucky fan (who had recently met the celebrity), realizes it's their own tattoo.
DIALOGUE PROMPT: "Hand over the girl." "Not going to happen."
Credit to prompts: Pinterest
For the one and only: @TheGirlNewsie
The following story and its characters, even if based on real people, is a work of pure fiction. I do not claim to own Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, or any other official or unofficial franchise mentioned in the story.