Once upon a time...In a far away world, 5 great Gods exist. These Gods take the form of Dragons, Each one possessing control over the world...But one God controls all. He was known as the strongest, And was the creator of everything. Long ago in this world, The Gods lived amongst the humans, But one day, They vanished. 2000 years have passed, And people have made villages, and even kingdoms. It seemed as if humanity forgot about the gods, But they were soon reminded, As the God Of Darkness, Draconia, Reappeared and began flooding the land with evil. Draconia's reach was far, But some places he couldn't get too. He sent armies, And now there are only a few places untapped of evil in this world...Will this world be saved? Who knows...But on things for sure..The Rising Sun has come to play.All Rights Reserved
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