This story takes place in an alternate Arthdal universe. It's a universe where Yangcha has no speech penalty and Tanya can still hear his thoughts. But he keeps wearing his mask and he's a quiet type. It's rare to see him speak. One day, when they go to collect slaves in Iark, he catches a girl whom he sees as his new Prey, who is intrigued. But soon another man appears on the horse and tries to kidnap the girl he has captured. He realizes at the last second that he is running away with that man because he has left him among the other slaves. And with his chains, he quickly pulls his prey from the horse and drags her to himself. She be looking at him now in anger. Yangcha, on the other hand, feels amused for the first time in a long time and looks at her with satisfaction. You're stupid enough to think you can get away from me... (Needless to say, Our daughter is Tanya, but I'm still saying it for informational purposes.)