Synopsis : Mikado Beldua Moores was shocked when he found out that his fiancé, Mandy Peterson, was pregnant with another man's child. He wanted to hurt her to make her know how painful it was but he can't. He's an evil person but he cannot afford to be a monster like his father. He can't kill an innocent baby so he left. He was expecting that being wasted can make him forget the pain but he can't. So he contact a person that can give him something for him to forget atleast for that one night. He was high and feeling so hot. But he knows that when he give in he will regret it tomorrow so he walked outside until he was brought by his feet into an unfamiliar street. He was so high and everything's blurry after that. But he remember that someone took him and then...fck! He can't even remember where is he that night. He can't remember anything at all! All he knows is someone snatch his wallet and the heirloom ring in his pocket. He has to know where it is or else he will not get his father's company. He doesn't have a clue because he woke up in a waiting shed! A fcking dirty place. And the heirloom ring was gone! And then he met a waitress in a cafe with the same sweet voice with the woman whom he remembered that took him that night. But when he asked her she said she doesn't know him? Funny thing is he remembered the woman's voice because he kept on dreaming every night that he's fcking a woman with the same sweet voice! Fck it. Does his mind playing on him? Or the woman was lying? Well he has to know, so by hook or by crook he will do anything just so the woman will tell him what really happened that night.