"Lyla come on.....please!" "Charity I told you, 1,000 times before I'm not going to anymore college party's." I say trying my best not to yell at her because, of what happened last time. "Is this because of last time? I already told you it would never happen again" charity explains giving me desperate eyes. "Dammit it charity! I said no because I have better things to do, for example study so I can pass ~𝐻𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑆𝐶𝐻𝑂𝑂𝐿~!" I say kinda loud, but still trying to keep my cool. "Fine but, once I go and have a great time without you, don't get all jealous." She says rolling her eyes, "That's not gonna woke this time" I say while folding my arms over my chest. "Fuck, please please please. What if I get attacked and need help!" "Then I'm sure someone else will help you, besides I'm sure you'll be a okay" "PLEASE I need your manly woman power, plus what if I get drunk and can't go home?" "You have a point but, don't you have other friends?" I say while turning around to face her. "Yea but I want you to come, it'll be so much fun I promise!" "Okay, fine. But if you so much as think of setting me up with some guy....I will personally kill you myself." I say rubbing my temples roughly. "See I new you loved me, pick me up at 8:00!" She says squeezing me and running out of the class. "Well hopefully she doesn't do anything stupid this time" I shake my head and giggle at her excitement.Todos los derechos reservados
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