Going to college can be very stressful. You have to do well since your entire career rides on a piece of paper you get after at least four years. Or, it can be very relieving. You finally get to be on your own; you can call your own shots. For Clary Fray, college is both of these things. However, the situation gets even more complicated when you add in her party ready, popular roommate, Isabelle Lightwood, and Isabelle's stiff, quiet brother Alec. Not to mention their arrogant friend Jace Wayland. Clary gets launched into their lives on day one, and impacts all of them. She just wanted a simple college life. This definitely isn't what she wanted. When things tunnel downward for her, however, she's glad she met the three. Her and her new friends make promises to one another, binding them together. The question is, will they keep them?
Clarrisa fray has known of her being as a shadowhunter her entire life . But what happened when she has to go to Verlac high to hunt demons with a new partner jace Wayland . She finds this boy is changing her from her badass ways and is softening her heart but will the past catch up with them and destroy them both .