Sudenly, I woke with a jolt, unsteadily I got to my feet and looked around, every thing was hazy , a man stood in my reach communicating to me. "hey I saw them mug you, they took something from you dunno what though, come back to my house just a few minuets drive from here. "My names schulchem but u can just call me chem I'm German".
C'mon you can stay at my house tonight when we got there in was a grate big mansion, and we went in side.
He gested to me a small room with a wide screen tv. I couldn't get to sleep,worried for my sister Elly and also the trees out side formed scary shadows so that bugged me aswell.
In the morning I woke to a beautiful Brek. I went down stairs to were the source of the smell is coming from. "Good morning chem" said loudly
"Good morning" I slowly said
"Hey I never got your name last night "
After Brek I set back of on my way home and when I got there I was welcomed back with delight .Elly hugged me the tightest she has ever hugged.