Elizabeth! A girl of many talents with a childish personality and a sadistic mind with her brother of the same mindset worked together for years bonding over each bullet fired, each time he got close to death she was faster at killing the danger, they are smart. She decided she would go to London she found a coffee shop and called a worker who pointed her in the way of a nice little place who was looking for someone: My colleague was eating her sandwich and was talking to me catching up on everything that's happening we ended up on the topic of flats... "I saw the landlady! I'm her pharmacist and she likes a good chat. She was telling me about 221c the flat she wants to rent out" the small woman beamed as she took a sip of my coffee and gaged at the taste, the corner of my mouth twitched up slightly, "it's so bitter" she shouts as I laugh. "I'll go talk to her I'm not as picky as you, just need a place to stay while I'm working here!" I say in a singsong voice "you lost weight grace" I say as I look at her. She nodded and smiled proudly.Todos los derechos reservados