In a world where the supernatural is the norm, where Superheroes and Supervillains battle for the fate of the day, there are those born with Quirks that grant the user incredible powers. Some of these people are allowed to go to school such as UA, where one could train to become Pro Heroes like Endeavor, Mt. Lady, Death Arms, Hawks, and the Symbol of Peace All Might. But there are some who don't superpowers, who are Quirkless. Izuku Midoriya was born with no Quirk, but that all changed when his father, who could take Quirks from some or give them to others, gave his only son a living Quirk. Dark Matter, the ability to create a matter that does not exist, has given Izuku the chance to either follow in the path of his Hero All Might or traverse the dark trail that his father, the Symbol of Evil All For One, had made? Good and Evil. Light and Dark. What will Izuku choose?
At that moment when he was pushed out of harms way by someone who always knew that he would be able to become a hero, he realized Bakugo was right. He was horribly right. He'd gotten an upgrade for his quirk, but he had never trained to fight, had never trained to dodge; he hadn't been trained in order to take down villains, hadn't been prepared for it despite being the only one who knew they were going to be attacked.
To the students of the hero course, it was a natural characteristic and talent which they came to the hero academy to boost. And that's exactly why Midoriya would never fit in; he wasn't born to become a hero, and he wasn't aiming to be one in the first place.
Izuku Midoriya, due to unfortunate circumstances, is obligated to move in with his father. However, little did he know he would be pulled into quite the dirty business, and as a result, he would have to make more difficult choices than he ever thought he would've. Family or friends? Brother or father?
Choices are difficult to make, and before you realize, you may have made too many bad ones.
Started: 05/03/21 (approximately)
Finished: 08/05/22