In Twilight Town, two sisters, Harmonyx and Xamira, continue to live their peaceful lives with their best friends, Roxas, Hayner, Pence and Olette. But then strange things start to happen to them when Organization 13 and Nobodies start to appear. Everything they knew gets turned all upside down as they remember once being members of Organization 13, as well as knowing the place they have to regrettably go back to. A whole year has passed since Harmony and the others last saw their friends and families. Now, embarking on a new journey with new friends, members of the Shinsengumi, to help them out, they now have to deal with new and old foes, including Organization 13, while also searching for Madison, Riku, Kratos, Amaterasu, and King Mickey.
Read to find out what new adventures our heroes will embark upon.
Warriors: A Dangerous Path - Book Five (Completed)
28 parts Complete
28 parts
Shadowpaw is now an apprentice, but he has been keeping secrets from Waterlily about finding friendship from another Clan. He soon figures out that the friendship will end from rivalry.
Waterlily faces trouble with Shadowpaw and tries to get him back on track. She struggles to learn why he was destined for her to find him, especially with even more troubles coming ahead to hurt ThunderClan.
THIS IS A FANFICTION - NOT THE REAL BOOK. Some things may be the same and many things will change.
Cover is from official warrior cats art
Highest Rankings:
warriorcats #69 out of 32k on July 10th, 2023
erinhunter #35 out of 7k July 29th, 2023