Answer team 341B got fired because of Hap, but they accidentally landed in a magical universe meeting a lost and abandoned mirror prisoner and helping saving virtue land 0.1 from the hypnotazer
Life as many knew it was simple, life as very few knew was chaotic and one wrong choice away from the end of the world. Following the path her father had left behind led Trace down a lot of rabbit holes, ones that left her digging herself out no matter the means and ones that might just lead her to the place she needs to be. To many she was just a girl hunting stars with no means to an end, to few the cryptic Hunter was a shark in the water with her first taste of blood.
Warning: WILL include Mature content, the chapter WILL be marked (18+), Warnings WILL be underlined and in bold at the top of every Chapter, these chapter are COMPLETELY skippable as I written them to be so. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Sidenote: don't mind me just dumping this fic right here, I have no self-control. Kinda made Bee a menace but like in a totally goodboy until you give a reason to be bad kinda way.