English translation: great power
1. The capacity or the ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events.
2. The eminence and/or distinction of someone or something.
3. Of powerful ability, quality, or eminence considerably above average.
On November 19th 1953, Alice Eklöv found out that she wasn't carrying just one baby, but three.
On November 28th 1953, just nine days later, her husband left for work and never returned.
On December 25th 1953, she moved in with her parents on their farm out in the country.
On January 31st 1954, over the span of ten minutes, the triplets were born, all three of them alive and healthy despite what she had feared.
This story is about these triplets.
You, the reader, know them as Axel, Otto and Oscar.
Or, as they're more commonly referred to, the Swedes.
I haven't given up on this, but I'm also not continuing it until further notice.