The mythical city of Camelot, in a time before history began. A fantastical realm of legendary beasts and mysterious peoples. A dangerous worlds in which magic has been banned by the ruthless tyrant, Uther Pendragon. When Merlynn, a young woman gifted with extraordinary magical powers, arrives in the kingdom she quickly makes enemies - including the heir to Uther's crown, the headstrong Prince Arthur. Guided by Uther's wise physician and Merlynn's Uncle, Gaius, Merlynn is soon using her talents not just to survive but also to unlock Camelot's mystical secrets. As she does so she discovers that her destiny and that of Arthur, the kingdom's young leader-in-waiting, are inextricable linked. A fanfiction based on BBC's tv series Merlin(2008-2012).
Arthur develops magical abilities in his early teenage years and learns to hide it in fear of his father. Merlin comes along and they both try to hide their magic from the other while simultaneously trying to figure out what the other is hiding from them. Of course, they both need to hide their abilities from Uther, which becomes harder and harder after Merlin is kidnapped by an evil sorceress. All while they struggle to understand their feelings for one another.
Set in Season 1, sometime before The Beginning of the End, so he doesn't know he is Emrys yet, but Merlin has been Arthur's manservant for a while.
(I don't own Merlin or the characters, just loved the show)