Delusions & Daydreams
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Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Sep 21, 2014
The fields were a bright hue of green, dew sparkling across the newborn grass, giving the blades a bright shimmer. This was their first morning of life, and it was gorgeous moment to begin living. The sun was rising and the view was breathtaking. Giving the new form of life, the sun cast a brilliant pale pink glow in the sky, covering every surface. In what seemed to be a midsummer, life was flourishing: forests, fields, plains, any imaginable place. 
I can’t walk. I can’t run. But I can sprint as much as I please. They thought I couldn’t. they said I couldn’t. I achieved the impossible.   
My lungs won’t die. My legs won’t tire. I won’t fall.
I can win. I will win.
I can see things I never thought possible, like the open plains, and the satisfying feeling of not being pushed around in a hunk of metal.
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