To the first person I've ever been fucked up on. God this one is embarrassing This is the first letter I've written to somebody of this nature. I turned it in as a final for my college creative writing class after I realized I wasn't good at creative writing and had already written 2 lesbian pieces. I just felt it was time to get all the feelings I had pent up about this person on paper. Like it's so embarrassing, I got an A on it even though it read like wet newspaper. Also outing myself like this to my creative writing professor with the bleached hair and the dad punk rock thing going on that I kinda wanted to smash was also dummy embarrassing. It is very badly written, it definitely reads like I dumped out everything I had been bottling up for a few years at this point into a keyboard. Which is exactly what it is anyways, there's probably a lot of grammatical errors and awkward sentences, I actually can't read this all the way through without getting a slurry of embarrassed nausea. Edit: I plan to write about it here one day but. This is actually about my current partner. 3 years after this was written and nearly 6 years after meeting him we reconnected. We live together and we're planning our future together.All Rights Reserved