1 part Ongoing Lucille Emily Cortez, a teenage girl who cherishes the serene beauty of her island home, enjoys a peaceful life with her family. However, her tranquility is shattered by a series of mysterious letters that arrive in her doorstep each signed by someone named "Ulan."
Intrigued and unsettled, Lucille finds herself drawn into a web of questions and secrets that threaten to change everything she holds dear.
Ang kapayapaan ng buhay na matagal na nilang inaalagan ay gagambalain ng bawat sulat ni Ulan.
Ulan's every letter for Lucille keeps driving her to question everything. Na animo'y sa bawat sulat, may gustong ipahatid ang taong yun. At sa bawat sulat, dinudurog si Lucille sa mga katotohanang matagal ng nakabaon sa hukay.
The letters of truth might kill everyone including Lucille and her Ulan.