Molly Hooper, the woman who thought she didn't matter to Sherlock Holmes. Molly, who mattered the most. Saving Sherlock Holmes's life after the Fall wasn't the only time Molly saved him.
Being in was never his cup of tea. Yet here they were, on the cusp of something terrifying and beautiful. He didn't know why or how or when or what, but he did know who. And that who was Molly Hooper. His pathologist.
Molly's eyes were windows to her soul - and right now they were screaming for him, begging him to just do it already.
Sherlock took his free hand, very conscious of the one warm in Molly's, and put it behind her head, gently working his fingers through her loose hair.
"Molly... Stop me."
"Not a chance," she breathed, her eyelids fluttering.
Sherlock bent his head to hers.
Sherlolly! I love this ship (one of my biggest OTPs) and inspiration struck.
Yes, this is SHERLOLLY and SHERLOLLY ONLY, so if you ship Johnlock, Adlock, or whatever else, I don't care, that's fine, that's your ship - just please don't hate on me, my writing, or anyone else who ships Sherlolly. I've seen it happen to so many others who ship Sherlolly and I'm just asking that you either respect me, my writing, the ship, and my readers or just not read it at all because it's very clearly SHERLOLLY, not Johnlock, Adlock, etc. (Though I'm not trying to hate on those ships, either.)
Cover art by oirbmeamu
It's lonely at 221B, Sherlock and John are growing more and more distant, Lestrade is always a busy and no good cases have come up for a long time. But then there is one case that tests Sherlocks heart instead of mind, a case involving a girl that Sherlock took for granted, a girl who Sherlock only thought of as a friend. Her name was Molly, Molly Hooper. There is only thing this genius he doesn't know.... How to fall in love