I wasn't satisfied with what I got when I looked this up so I thought I would make one of my own😉
I was thinking about writing a seven deadly sins story but I want some reader feedback first lol. So I thought this would be a great thing to do! I'm open to any and all requests, I just have a few conditions lol
1) I can only do straight requests, like male x female. I'm super sorry if this offends anyone, trust me I'm all for people who are gay and lesbian❤. All the power to you, just don't ask me to write it unless you want it to be sh*t😂. I'm a heterosexual female, I don't think I'd be good at writing that lol
2) I'm welcoming advice to better myself as a wirter. HOWEVER. I Do NOT want any hate. You don't like how I write? please click off of my stories and stop reading, it's not that hard lol. I'm not perfect, I reread and proofread but there probably be things I don't catch, dont hate on me because of it lol
3) if you read it, please give feedback lol. But like I said 👆, no hate mail please lol
Without further ado, I present to you my one shot series❤ unless I get requests I'll update every Friday cuz I started it on a Friday lol
I do not own any of these characters besides any ocs that I might put in for the female lol other than that I own nada, nothing, zero😂
thanks for reading this rant and i only have one thing left to say...
What are you waiting for?✌😉