This story is about a teenage demigod named Jay Justice, who must recover the gauntlets of Jupiter to stop Old Rome from going to war with Old Greece, two different realities. Ever since Mary was a child she always wanted to go on a quest, no matter what role she plays, but she is going to learn that there a lot tougher than she thought. Noah is still coping with the fact his people left him for dead, but he'll have a chance to help his new people now. Peter is terrified about going on a quest, he never even wanted to go on a quest and he thinks that he not going to help at all, but he has a much greater role to play on this quest than he realizes. Sadie is worried that she is going to mess up badly and get someone hurt or worse, especially a certain someone. This is my first very story, which I hope I can make into a novel. If you don't mind please give some constructive criticism.