God works through his servants. I am one. I will declare his glory throughout the world, or as much of the world as I can. This book, however you may read it, for study, for entertainment, for encouragement or for curiosity's sake, is an assembly of devotionals written by others, whom I give credit as due at the end of each chapter. My only firm request, if you have any question about any content, wether it be my own or other's, then please message me. If you are unsure about anything Biblically, religiously, or want to know how to be saved from Hell, I will try to give you answers, and I will not stop giving answers. Because you matter. God is not willing that any should not perish, or not know of His gift to you. I was commanded to tell the world the gospel, along with millions of others. This is not my work, but this is God's work. Read with open eyes, and a curious heart. -Silent ServantTüm hakları saklıdır
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