Sri Krishna is the beloved Boatman who untiringly plies His Boat of Consciousness between our unparalleled thoughts and his unrivalled spirituality.
For our Kanha, the Gita is his Heart, his Vision, his Fulfilment. For us, the Gita is humanity's breath, its journey towards Moksh Prapti.
Madhav's melodious flute stirs the universal consciousness and enchants the transcendental consciousness.
Dwarkadheesh is the shoreless ocean of bliss. But as soon as we sincerely dedicate ourselves in service of his Lotus feet, he presents us with his own boat and takes us to the boundless Shore, just like his Ardhangini, the golden of all.
It would be an understatement to describe Lakshmipati, the supreme god head with these few little words. But Devkinandan would never decline his devotees' sweet offerings.
Even the smallest, selfless act of love would be enough to engulf our Prathsarthy in an embrace of gratitude.
And thats the reason, we have done a small yet dedicated attempt to pour down our thoughts, our heartfelt messages , giving another aspect to the events casued by the famous, yet infamous warfare of Mahabharat.
From Madhav to RukminiVallabh
And from Govind to Banke Bhihari, Krishna Kathaa contains the characters mentioned in Shrimad Bhadwad, wishing Trilokinath on the auspicious occasion of Janmasthami and turning the pages of history only to retell the intersting story behind the names our darling of Vrindavan had accquired during his time on mrityu lok.
Destiny has been repeating itself since the time of creation but now it is time for destiny to be changed and re-written. Krishna decides that it is time to change the way the things have been taking place since forever. He decides that it is time to change the fate of the whole Aryavart, the fate of all the Kunteyas, the fate of whole Kuru clan, the fate of Abhaya and the fate of whole Kaliyug. But is he ready for the repercussions and is everybody else ready to face the consequences?
Abhaya is the brave, wise and kind princess of Virang, loved by her parents and respected by her people, she is one of the best warriors of Aryavart. Her life takes a turn when she goes to Hastinapur and becomes the destiny of her not so destined lovers. Love blooms in the most unexpected way and takes all the lives by storm. But one question looms in the shadows of the future, Will their love survive the brutalities of time and destiny? Will their love keep them together or will it tear them apart?
Join Abhaya, the warrior princess of the kingdom of Virang, on her journey of discovering herself and changing her and everyone's destiny, and becoming the Queen of the whole Aryavart.
The story is a work of fiction and all the situations are imaginary. It doesn't intend to hurt feelings, it is written only for entertainment purposes. Some characters are taken from Mahabharat and some are of my own imagination.