Adventure is waiting for you and we at Altimus Outdoor have the right gear to take you outdoors totally prepared for the wilderness. Altimus Ski shop London is the UK's leading retailer in Adventure Sports. We have teamed up with several top brands across the world. We have keen eyes for supreme quality and a taste for innovation and uniqueness, so do our versatile collection of products.
Mammut is one of our best-sellers. The beginning of Mammut heralded in the year 1890. Mammut has taken over several companies and established itself into an all-round supplier for mountain sports. Also, Mammut has an exclusive collection of products on Avalanche Safety. Mammut products are innovative, built with ground-breaking technology & time tested. Mammut products offer dynamic performance during demanding situations and unlimited possibilities on your adventurous trip. With Mammut Skiwear and Hiking clothing, you will experience the quality of impeccable tailoring - full freedom of natural body movements.