In the heart of an ancient forest, concealed from the modern world, lies a hidden city veiled in mystery and danger. A close-knit group of friends, seeking adventure and a break from their mundane lives, decides to embark on an unforgettable vacation to this enigmatic city nestled amidst the woods. However, unbeknownst to them, this city holds a dark secret - it is inhabited by a community of vampires. As the friends arrive, they are entranced by the city's eerie charm and the sense of foreboding that permeates the air. The locals, with their haunting gazes, make the friends wonder if they've stepped into a realm of fantasy or nightmare. As night descends, the city transforms, revealing its true nature as a sanctuary for vampires. As they explore the city's shadowy streets and encounter its enigmatic inhabitants, the friends are resolute in finding a way to escape this nightmarish city before it consumes them. Amidst the darkness, the journey they embark on will not only unravel the city's mysteries but also challenge their perceptions of good and evil. ---- DISCLAIMER: This story is written in Taglish (Tagalog-English) Genre: Vampire & Fantasy Written by: Swe3t Nightmar3
22 parts