Heights Of Anguish follows the story of a boy named Aethas as he learns and grows to cope with death and despair of those around him caused by King Honoros and his men, he seeks aid to put an end to those who have cause harm to him and those he once loved. Aethas eventually crosses paths with strangers on the road due to the difficult events that unfold, learning to trust one another is the only thing they are able to do in order to survive what the world throws at them as they learn that things are not all that they seem. A little description and background of writing this - I got in to reading and writing a lot last year and wrote this first chapter - I know at the time I gave up because I did not think it was good enough in the slightest. A year on I opened this file up again on my computer and decided to do a few tweaks - 5 hours later and I have decided to just publish it on here because why not. There isn't much description earlier in the chapter as I am really just finding my feet with descriptive techniques and such. Whether anybody actually reads it or not I'm not sure. If you do - feedback would be very much appreciated and even more so telling me the areas to improve. Thank you ever so much in advance if anybody can provide assistance. - Nathan This is an adventure/fantasy story, if anyone enjoys this and would like me to continue writing it - let me know. Cover image from http://orendorffknight.deviantart.com/All Rights Reserved