You are LEE with KIM Step Bros. You are 1 of 9 born 9/17/97. Both LEES & KIMS were born in the Mafia family/world. You guys found out that some of you guys aren't real Lee's. But also some of them found out that they are demons with powers. You Edward The8 didn't know at first that you were demons and always believed you three were real siblings . But one day The8 found out he was a demon and you and Edward weren't. He was hurt at first but for some reason happy. Finally few years later something bad happened and your real brothers came to the rescue and you were finally a demon like the rest of the members. I don't know who you'll end up with. I am just happy someone is reading this thanks. Grateful for you!!!! FYI I love Youngje Doyoung Suho Changmin Joshua Kun & Renjun they are my ULTIMATE favorite's!All Rights Reserved