Pokémon Remnant (Pokémon X RWBY Crossover) (Vol 1)
10 parts Ongoing In the world of Remnant, the creatures called Grimm attack Humans and Faunus for as long as the world was born. However, another group of creatures called Pokémon have been fighting against the Grimm, as of an eternal battle between them never ended. When humans and faunus bond with their Pokémon, a new type of warriors are born: Pokémon Huntsman and Huntress!
We follow our journey with a young boy named Yuki Silvanus. A 10 year old child who was been living on his own on a landscape with the Pokémon that his mother have captured. After a visit from the wise Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch, Yuki decided to go to Beacon Academy to become a Pokémon Huntsman and meet his two childhood friends.