14 parti Completa Years from now, science will have no limits. Bored with conventional things, Scientists turn to less human projects... like raising the dead. They start off small, using animals first. But then, an accident occurs, leaking the chemical straight into the ground, raising ever single man and woman that died fighting. Not wanting to claim it was an accident, the scientists claim terrorists as the culprits... and America spreads the disease over the rest of the world.
The Whole World Crumbles.
However, a few cities survive that attack. Roni Walsh wasn't born at the time of the attack, and neither was her friend, Scott Lawson, and she never met a Zombie, for the cities and farms that survived are kept under lock and key. But after 30 years, the Zombies are tired of waiting for the humans to die. Facing certain death, Roni and Scott must fight with all their skill to survive... or will it all be in vein?