Its the end of Season 3 and Javier has just finished parole and house arrest with Nolan and plans to leave the Hamptons. We saw how smart he was (MyClone), we saw how faithful he was (Charlotte Grayson?!) and we saw just how big of heart he has (Nolan♥)! We also saw how materialistic he could be (Daniel :O). But... What happened before he even came to the Hamptons? Why was he in a facilitated prison with Nolan? We saw hints of Spanish... what was his upbringing like? Was he always a hacker? Was he always so delicious? ;) I am about to answer all that and more so stay tunes ;D You can read this if u haven't watched Revenge :) NOTE: If we find out stuff about Javier (Why he actually went to prison) and his character in Season 4 (HE BEST BE IN SEASON 4) then I wont know until Summer 2015 so dont tell me or correct me please. I dont own the revenge characters so all copyright goes to them but its a bit from Revenge and my own so I have credit as well. Urgh I dunno this is complicated. Copyright to Revenge studio and copy right to me? Tara:*All Rights Reserved