What would happen if you found out that a person that you barely know is about to die? Would you help them or would you ignore them?
Nope, it’s not one of those sob stories where my life is a living hell, where I’m suicidal or where I’m self-harming. I honestly love my life; yeah here and there I have my moments, but honestly who doesn’t. Then, my story isn’t that intriguing or interesting, no love story with sparks and intimation, just boring old me...Anyways, you get the point, I have a boring life and nothing interesting or intriguing ever happens. But all that’s going to change.
I’m going to make the remaining days of my life as fun and interesting possible. I’m going to make the best of my remaining days. Now I won’t bore you anymore, so you may read the AWESOME, not really, story of my life.
A diary could contain way more than you bargained. It holds all the secrets and thoughts that a person is always too afraid to say. It's basically what's in our mind put into words and sometimes that's not even enough.