Wait! Before you continue to read this book, I'm warning you, stop it. If you would, you might fall in love with me. You might be addicted to me, and I can't let you fall for me. Because I'm afraid of commiting again. Because they say that I'm awful at love, and even writing about love.
So I made something that can cure me. A guide book, on how to write love. Interested? I'm not surprised.
But, I have to warn you...again.That in this world, everything ends with happy ending. It's Romance. You don't know what's romance is?
Well, basically, it's...
Traumatic past. Family issues. Friend issues. Heartbreaks. Can kill you. And even make you crazy.
Scared? Well there is now backing out since you've already read all of this.
Don't say I didn't warn you sweetheart.
Language: Tagalog and English
Date Started: August 23, 2020
Date Ended: June 14, 2022