In the aftermath of the devastating Order 66, Commander Fox finds himself an accidental traitor and a marked target within the oppressive Empire, along with two fellow inmate clones slated for execution. Battling against the control of malfunctioning biochips, they manage a daring escape, only to stumble upon an untested pod designed for intergalactic travel. Their unplanned journey takes an unexpected turn as they crash land on an unfamiliar and uncharted planet, teeming with mysteries. As they awaken to a world that defies all expectations, the trio embarks on a thrilling adventure filled with new experiences, bizarre encounters, and unexpected challenges. Amidst the chaos, their camaraderie deepens, forging bonds that transcend the galaxy they once knew. Join them on a rollercoaster of exciting escapades, crazy twists, heartwarming moments, and the pursuit of a fresh start in this unexplored realm. All right go to the creators of Nanbaka show and manga along with Star Wars and the clones.