Aikawa Akiko, a 16 year old highschooler, stumbles upon a mysterious guy name Haranobu Fukuda. He was an attractive guy in the class above her. He was a year older than her, and usually kept to himself. When Akiko decides to follow him one day, a whole new world is opened up to her, swallowing her whole. She later finds out she must face a great evil, from a long forgotten Ancient Egyptian civilization.
This story is indeed mine, I own everything in this story. These characters are fictional, not real people. Anubis, the main antagonist, is either Greek or Ancient Egyptian, the wiki wasn't clear, I decided on making him/her Egyptian, because that's what all the pictures looked like. He/she was believed to exist as the God of death, mummification, embalming, cemeteries, tombs, and the underworld. I'm also making Anubis a boy for this story. If I got something wrong, please point it out and help me fix my mistake. If you want to use my idea as a base for your story, please credit me for the idea. Thank you!!
Probably going to be some gore
Super cringey
Really bad
I had basically no ideas, but I really wanted to make this story
I have no clue on how the Japanese money system works
I often misspell words so like feel free to correct my spelling
I'm trying to make this story as child friendly as possible, but there are scary scenes, and I don't want to give some child nightmares or insomnia or something. Especially insomnia, I know what it's like. I know what nightmares are like too, but nightmares aren't super frequent for me.
Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.