It's been a few years now since the two last saw each other, Kurapika has finally completed his mission. He made it out alive and Leorio is a doctor running the clinic he always wanted, not charging a penny to those who can't afford to. The two got what they always wanted but... Something no someone was missing from their lives. So like magnets the two are drawn back together, but Leorio is much smarter than he once was and ends up revealing a secret of Kurapikas. // this fic has a trans/non-binary Kurapika, I like the theory that Kurapika was a girl but because its unsafe for a female to travel Alone they desgused themselves as a boy. Over time he came to realise he felt more comfortable this way and that he was actually male. I know its kinda popular belief in the fandom that he's trans but I dunno how everyone feels about it, I just wanted to write Leorio reaction up to it. As a demi-girl (I'm a gender now gender is confusing hah) myself I promise I will be as responsibleful as possible, I know what it feels like to feel uncomfortable or confused in your own body. Leorio Is an amazing friend and will be super supportive I hope that clears up any of your worries. //All Rights Reserved