This collection of poetry (in Contrast to my Decades of Death Collection) is intended to reflect how life on this planet could be if we truly embraced the tenets of the definition of “agape” love; i.e. totally unconditional love. By definition, of course, only God can reflect such love. which he does with regards to his creation.
All other forms of love, while delightful, are constrained and tarnished by qualifications and conditions, as even these poems will attest. I know I for one, being a human, I will never reflect true agape love, although I try as earnestly as the next human being. I am definitely flawed.
However I have, can, and do love creation to the best of my human ability. Also, I am loved; or at least believe myself to be loved. It is this that lifts me from the horrors of the world, and brings the delight of which the title speaks. More importantly, I will forever be grateful to those around me who have allowed me to love them. That is, I believe a God given privilege.
Hopefully, my attempt at unrestrained imagery of love and caring, in this life, through this compilation of poetry can play a small part in edging the world away from the apparent hatred and bloodshed that continues to grow as the decades of population growth continue to move along.
I know that love is all we have – even in death. So, without love, there would never be delight.
And there is, I believe, one commandment above all others - “Love thy neighbor as thy self” – everything else follows naturally.
Enjoy the read.