Today was the day I as starting over, the day I meet someone, even though it's arranged. I'm scared, I don't know if I'll qualify, because no one is perfect for me.
I arrive at the building it's huge with soft red bricks. I got out of my car and walk in the double door. I sit down and wait for my name to be called. About 20 minutes late my name was called from the office. "Aria Mountgomary." I get up a walk to the short old aged woman.
I sit in a office plainly designed. Then 2 people walk in, one young one old. One a boy, man. One a woman. The boy was so cute, is this him? "Aria, this is Ezra, Ezra Fitz." The woman said with excitement. "Mom, I can speak for myself!" Ezra said annoyed. "Hi." I said he was so cute, I think it's love at first sight.
"Mom you can leave." He said and the woman left. "Hi I'm Ezra." "I'm Aria." He asked me questions and I answered. We had a lot in common, then it happened. We kissed. More like made-out...his lips for right with mine.
Elizabeth Olsen, one of the new professors at the highschool. She's a beautiful and intelligent woman in her mid thirties. She's a strict and cold woman in class.
Isabel Reyes, one of the popular girls in school. Confident and with a curious mind, outgoing and never one to back away from a challenge. However her older sister's death destroyed her, she missed her first year of high-school and had to repeat it.
Teacher x student
18 years difference