He would trade for iron then make swords like his father taught him. ( past )On his 10th birthday is when he received the sword from his dad his mom bought him a gray hood they were both very special to him because they were both hand made. His mom sold food with a cart on the stone solid street and there were no cars yet, his dad would cut meat when they would be at work he would go into the woods and shoot arrows at this really skinny tree. He loved his horse named," Arrino " his parents were not responsible for Arrino so he would look for food to feed him. He really liked music and loved nature. ( back to the present ) He went to the Kingdom of Balancia for revenge from the King and he climbed the solid gold wall and took out 3 people. All the archers were shooting at him and he kept dodging them he took all 13 of them out. He got the king by the robe hung him out the window and king said," I killed your parents"! He let him go into the hot lava and the guards made him king.All Rights Reserved