Life in the Cristo el Rey Monastery is never a bore when Sister Floriana's around! The young novice and her friends are never up to any good, whether it's pulling pranks, breaking the rules, or being hopelessly incompetent at simple tasks.
Still, their ardent love of Jesus Christ and their inseparable bond inspire even the aloof Father Alvadeo and the jaded Sister Diana. But will it be enough to carry them through the trials and temptations that lie in their way?
Based off the adorable drawings from @hyxpk and @ulith_style on Twitter, Sister Floriana is a story of faith, love, friendship, sacrifice, tribulation, and virtue, taking place in 20th century Spain!
In Floreca's village, human sacrifice is a necessary evil. The monstrous-looking angel, Aĉaĵego, demands one sinner every month. But when Floreca and her older sister become the sacrifices, Floreca questions if the Aĉaĵego is really as monstrous as it seems. As she awaits her death, Floreca seems to be developing a strange friendship with the angel... but can a monster ever really know humanity?
Featured on @Retold's Fractured Fairytales reading list.