TRANSPORT je ne prend pas l'avion, la voiture ou la moto. je préfére la marche, le skate, le roller ou la trotinette electrique. METIERS UTILES dentiste boulanger dealer de fruits et légumes bus SPIRIT IS A COLECTIVE WERE EVERITHING IS POSIBLE UNDER DA SPIRIT COLECTIVE WE HAVE NEW WORKS USEFUL FOR DA PLANET FOR DIS WE AVE TO DISTRIBUTE TITLES FOR EACH SPIRIT. IN DA FUTURE A SPIRIT SHOULD MAKE IS OWN TITLE. MODIFICATION OF REALITY ^^^ NARAYAN ^^^ debitumate streets of sities DEBETONERZ PLASTICERZ next 14 july we DESTROY SOSIETY no more EVIL CROSS STATUES MUSEUM SKOOL UGLY BUILDINGS lets do the complete oposite !!! BODY CARE DENTIST MASAJES MASTER MAJIC HEALER PRINT TITLES create and give spirit titles for people there will be delegates to spirit that will have a lot of responsability PAPER delegate to fabricate bio paper to write on it INK good qality natural ink DELEGATES SPEAKERZ they tell SPIRIT to people VIRUS CREW CULTURE RADIO VIRUS NO PUBLISITY only ABOVE DA ground music KEVIN SOFTWAR TEAM incredible tool to create SOFTWARS GRAFERZ they graf and tag sosiety walls IKON MARKp WE CREATE HOVENS powerfull dat can heat a little house quickly ELECTRIC VEHICLES TENTS better than 2 seconds DRUGS CANABIS DEALERZ best qality charjed to equip spirits teams FOOD DEALERZ they are everywhere in da city dealing good food to SPIRITS we give skills to people dat deserveA it no more no less WE GIVE I QALITY TITLES TO SPIRITS DAT CAN DO THE WORK WENEVER THEY FEEL NO HOURS TAKE A REST WENEVER YOU WANT BUT YOU HAVE DIS PARTICULAR SKILL IN YOU and you can shine of dis competency IN REALITYPublic Domain