My story, "Blackbird" is about two pairs of siblings, The Phan's (Asiya and Jose) and The Tran's (Jia & Aidyn), who are huge WWE fans that they enter a WWE tryout at the Blackbird Bay Mall in their town, which indeed they all make it through but through it all, Asiya's the only one that Triple H, Vince and Stephanie McMahon, the five picked wrestlers that came to watch them tryout, and most of the WWE Universe likes her and not her brother Jose, not her friend Jia, and definitely not Aidyn so they quit on her eventually. Could Jia, Aidyn, and Jose handle Asiya's popularity? Will Jose still be supportive of his little sister? Will Jia still be friends with Asiya? Lastly, will the couples stay together? Stay tuned to find out! Please note that if I find you taking or copying my story material in any of my stories, I'm blocking and reporting you!
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