Thriller/psychological horror/80's fanfiction
Eng: In Damyang the only remnant of tenderness lies in the coniferous forest. Everything is dried,rotten by monotony and stammed by the raw green shades, hidden in the crying air of a mute town. Nari, a highschool student, butchers the forest in order to condensate her botanical curiosity. She ventures in the heart of the woody seaweed and trickle from a mushroom in another. That until, suddenly, on the hard tree barks appear sinister paintings stained with blood. The vibration of her own meat makes her shake in mistery, and the misterios man so called "bloody brush" starts to develop a shocking interest in his single admirer of his works. The interest grows and soon becames obsession.
Rom: În Damyang singura rămășiță de frăgezim zace în pădurea de conifere. Totul e uscat, putrezit de monotonie și stăvilit de nuanțele de verde crud, sinistrate în văzduhul plângător al unui oraș mut. Nari, o elevă în an terminal, măcelărește pădurile pentru a își condensa curiozitatea botanică. Se aventurează în inima algelor lemnoase, se prelinge dintr-o ciupercă într-alta. Asta până când, din senin, pe cojile dure ale bambusului apar picturi sinistre, mânjite de sânge. Vibrația cărnii o face să se zvarcoleasca în mister, iar individul misterios, denumit "Pensula de sânge" începe să dezvolte un interes halucinant în unicul admirator al operelor sale. Interesul crește și curând devine obsesie.
°I am obsessed, I am obsessed with seeing you in pain, seeing you suffer° -Yoongi
°People like you have turned me into a murderer° -Maeve
Maeve, a normal highschool student wishing for nothing but peace, which had been ruined by Jia and her minions. Jia, the school's most popular and pitted two-faced b!tch
At the first day of your new school, she just ignored you like dust. Yet, after some days passed by, she all of a sudden started spreading fake rumours about you bullying her in secret because she was 'pretty'. Which absolutely wasn't the truth. And being the popular yet the most pitted person she was, the students immediately belived her
Like that your days of hell started. Everyone hated you and even Jia started bullying you in secret to not ruin her perfect angel type reputation. You never told any of this things happening to your parents since they already looked stressed about there work and just kept bearing all the pain
Your parents were bearly at house, because of last night work or business trips. You tried multiple times to know what work they do but they just shrugged it off. You even had to carry a bodyguard around all the time which you never understood why
One fine time, while eating dinner with your parents. You again asked them about their work but........ That lead to a serious and heated argument. Being tired of all these you run away from your house. And.......... You got kidnapped
After all these events occurred in Maeve's life. Maeve only wanted to take revenge on those who caused her pain. She wanted.........
Yoongi X reader
Mafia au
Dark content
Started: January 27 2023
Ended: ???
Book #2
Unedited but will edit later