40 Parte Kumpleto MatureHaving a crush sucks. Having a crush that is of the female gender sucks even more.
Cheyenne Pearce, your typical homosexual 15-year-old 'emo' artistic girl that draws on her body. "Don't touch her!" Cheyenne, page 2
Dai Parker, the #1 hot girl of Liberty High School, and secretly asexual. "I'm not all that I seem." Dai, page 8
Lottie Simon, demisexual football player and an easily flustered girl, she loves Alyssa through hell and back. "I'll fuck them up if they hurt you..." Lottie to Alyssa, page 3
Alyssa Bowen, the one and only out-of-the-closet band girl, with some surprises in store. "It's not that hard to have gay band friends--no one's straight there!" Alyssa, page 4
Kevin Trudeau, that one guy that will kick Lottie's ass for Alyssa to date him. But Lottie's gonna fight him if he plans on touching her(his P.O.V. shows up twice in the whole book)"She will be mine!" Kevin, page 5
High school sucks. But when you throw in a couple hundred homophobic high school students, mean girls, friendly cheerleaders, football bitches, a few band friends, gay best friend, a secretive ally on the football team, a guy with a crush on you who's a total ass, your two oldest brothers that are totally not like everyone thinks but support LBGT+, homophobic parents, a pansexual brother standing by your side and a homo-hating vice principal?
You'll get disaster, with a capital D.
[This is a soulmate AU where whenever your soulmate draws/writes in pen/marker something on their body, it appears on your body] (http://weheartit.com/entry/22904)
*Book 1 of the We Are People series*