When drought and famine come to the planet Vidarr, Hansel and Gretel's father makes the difficult decision of sending his children to a group of roaming aliens. On the way, Hansel and Gretel get thrown off course and crash-land on a moon inhabited by a strange woman named Hexe.
After their stepmother convinces their father to send Hansel and Gretel to be enslaved by Talorian aliens, Hansel changes the course of their ship in an attempt to return to Vidarr. However, he fails to turn them back towards home.
Instead, the new course eventually leads them into a meteor shower which all but destroys the ship. Hansel manages to successfully crash-land the ship on a nearby moon which strangely reminds them of Earth. They follow a path to the lone house on the moon and are greeted by a woman who appears to be human; she introduces herself as Hexe and invites them inside.
Shortly after Hexe gives them freshly baked gingerbread cookies, Gretel begins to suspect that Hexe's intentions are less than pure, and tries to figure out how they can escape.