"Wang Yibo?",Xiao Zhan read the boy's name on the paper and the whole class turn into silent as the some shook their heads no as response
"No yibo?",He glanced to the whole class with a serious look
"Come in",Xiao Zhan said and glanced to the door to see who probably knocks,"I'm sorry sir",A young boy bowed his head to the teacher,"What's your name?",Xiao Zhan asked as he furrowed his brow
"Umm, good morning sir my name is Wang Yibo-"
"You're late,did you know what time is it?I don't tolerate LATES in my classes especially during my Math TIME",Xiao Zhan boldly said as he look to the boy with a scowled look,"I'm sorry sir,I didn't notice the time in my watch,I probably fallen into sleep",The boy said lowering his head to avoid the stare of the teacher,"Did you lost your godd*mn mind?",Xiao Zhan sighed in disappoinment as he glared to the student,"Sleeping is not allowed when you are in school,sleep when you are in your house",Xiao Zhan gave a frown,"I'm sorry sir",Yibo genuinely apologize,"Go to your sit and the rest may go after the class except to YOU",Xiao Zhan said and grabbed his lesson book to start discussing
"Yes sir",Yibo bowed 90 degree and walk fastly to reach his sit