What happens when a being that exceeds every evil in history is born into the world?
Chaos, the creator of everything and the first being, sees the birth of this evil and decides to take action. What she needs is four beings who have triumphed over the hardships that life has given them, four beings who have been cast aside and alone in the world, four beings who can save the world, Four Horsemen.
Carter, once the leader of the Egyptian magicians and host of Horus, now alone and betrayed he takes his place as Inferno.
Ali, once an assassin for the Norse gods, now one of the two survivors of a frost giant attack, she takes her place as Quake.
Janette, the head of an ancient order of sorceresses who was destroyed by the greed of a follower, she takes her place as Whirlwind.
Perseus, once the greatest demigod to walk the Earth who was betrayed by everyone he loved, he takes his place as Maelstrom.
Together, they may just be able to save the Universe.
As the title says, different fandoms will react to Y/N. All of the fandoms mentioned in the story exist together in one world. Basically a crossover. The backstory will be revealed as the book goes.
I also want to apologize to all of you for not updating my books. In this 2 weeks I had a lot of assignments and essays to write and I'm finally free. At least till December, then there will be hell. Welp onto the book and ty for your attention.