Warning: Includes Poly Ships. Ships: Bad Sanses Poly, Inkdreamblue, Kustard, Afterdeath - Desc: Ah, a lonely creator in a vast world. They had done their purpose, they had created an outstanding AU. But they felt like they needed more. So.... they made fanfiction. Where they control the story. - "NIGHTMARE!!!" screeched Error as Nightmare fell into the lake. While Ink was trying to stop Blue's bleeding, Dream was able to turn his head around. He saw that Horror and Error had dove into the lake after Nightmare without a second thought, which confused him. Dream looked back at Ink and Blue when he heard the noise of a portal. "We have to go!" shouted Ink. Dream gasped. "Wha- why!?" "WE HAVE TO!" shouted Ink. Dream nodded and leapt into the portal. But as he did, in the corner of his eye, he saw something he'd thought he'd never see again. A soaking wet, PASSIVE Nightmare. - "Wow.." said Dream as he watched Nightmare and the rest of the bad guys have a pillow fight, playing around like kids. "I guess we were wrong.. they are just like us.. they're still monsters, just like us." Dream gasped. - "INK!" shouted a creator, panting. Ink turned around, terrified by the fact a creator had a form he could see, and scared by their desperate tone. The creator was a human, but with purple demon horns. They had headphones and a hoodie. Ink gasped. "W-what is it?!" he gasped. The creator's eyes were worried. "I-I... the AUs.... you have to follow me!" "Wh- I can't just-" "Every universe will die if you don't!" - "So we're stuck." "Yep." "Here." "Yep." "For an unknown amount of time." "Yep." "And if we leave we die." "Yep." "Oh fuck no-" - "You NEVER cared! Can't you see WHY!?! YOU TRIED SO HARD TO BREAK US AND NOW THAT WE'RE BROKEN YOU FEEL GUILTY!" "I'm sorry, I-" "SHUT IT! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WERE DOING!" the other's sobs could be heard far and wide.Tutti i diritti riservati
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