If you are not committed to the task, I do not blame you; however, I beg of you to remember this Holy Book, and return upon completion of the New Testament, which shall be a true tribute to all
that Jim Pickens has done. Of course, the Old is the Creation; the New is the Destruction.
I am merely a follower; weak-minded, flawed. I am forever grateful to our Dear Leader for saving me from the endless pit of the mortal coil, instead lifting me into the cycle of his great plan. The easel sits before me, my pen in my hand. Our Dear Leader tasked me with publishing his legacy. I will not disappoint our Dear Leader. Soon will be the day that I am released from this world, and thrown into the next. This honor is the very highest blessing, and when that day comes, I shall thank him before becoming subject to The Book. This is the way.
These accounts of the holy word of Pickens are sacred. The followers and subjects in the era of now are mere mirages of what their ancient namesakes had been. Lord Turg and Lord Pickens are exempt to this rule, as the yin and yang, the everlasting beings. Know this, and be spared a world without knowledge. Without art.