Legends Life - Out of control
Části: 9 Dokončeno This is a novel about a topic we technically made up randomly and if there are any mistakes, errors, or just places I could fix and add more details please tell me, I want to make this book enjoyable and exciting to read! Also please be aware that some of these will be notice's and this book does need and have a blood warning and a swear warning! Please do be aware if you can't deal with blood this book does get descriptive (Partly true) and I will be explaining what scars, burns and wounds look like and the pain felt for them. This book is more themed in the future than it is nowadays. You may also find some technology that is more futuristic, and there are things talking about the past. Most of the book is switching between views of the main characters. We want you to expect the unexpected in this book, for example: Most books don't kill off the main character, we want you to think we will kill off one of them. Most of the characters in this will have birthdays and age in the background and it may not be written. There will be more books coming out so we will end this one on a cliffhanger.