Seems like I wrote this in my phone notes when I was high and totally forgot about it, heck, I didn't even knew I wrote a poem up until now! It's like someone totally different wrote this! and it was pretty good too, specially with the rhyme, it wasn't perfect when I read it for the first time but then I realized I had a meaning behind the rhyming when I was too high lol, the poem starts with a good rhyme for a few lines then gets distorted (slightly) in the middle and ends with less few good rhymical lines (compared to the start). By doing this, I tried to point to the fact that how we only shine out the beginning and the end of our lives while the middle is mostly distorted just like the poem. The distortion is not visible and that's why we don't think about it, but if we try to remember our life carefully, we realize we only remember chopped up bits and pieces of our life highlights with a few forgotten links in the middle connecting these cut off parts. And also, I tried to show how we feel like the journey ahead of us is long and cheerful at the beginning while at the end we think it was short by making the proportion of the good rhymical lines in the beginning more than the end. The rhyme is deeply twisted with the meaning of this poem. I hope you enjoy it.