This story is the sequel to the Snowbarry story, "The Choice" ...
Nineteen years after his birth, Thomas Henry Allen has the life he always wanted. He has a fantastic family, he has an amazing job and he also helps his parents and uncles to save the world from the threats of various metahumans. Everything seemed to be going well in the Snow-Allen family, until one day everything changes.
One afternoon, which seemed to be like all the others, Henry comes home and watches the death of one of his parents. After seeing the effect this death has on his family, Henry decides that the best thing to do is to go back in time to save the person he just lost, but not everything goes as he expects.
What will happen in the life of the Snow-Allen family? Will the trip to the past affect the future too much? Can Henry, achieve his goal? If you want to know the answers to these questions, read my new story.
Barry has always had feelings for his "dream girl" Iris West, but what happens after he has a special moment with coworker Caitlin Snow? Barry will have to choose between his best friend and sister like figure but when a threat comes upon him who will he choose